Ślub i rejs morzem, plaza Juanillo {Marika i Pavel Abraham}

Marika i Pavel Abraham. Niezwykła para z Kanady. Bardzo naturalni, żywi i spontaniczni. Państwo młodzi pobrali się i przylecieli na Dominikanę w podróż poślubną. Kiedy powiedzieli, że symboliczna ceremonia jest dużo ważniejsza niż wpis do urzędu stanu cywilnego i chcieli spędzić wspaniały dzień w sposób niezwykły i niezapomniany. Staraliśmy się zrobić wszystko, aby zakochani byli bardzo zadowoleni. To prawdziwa przyjemność przygotować komuś taki ślub.


Recenzja Pawła Abrahama

Only a short week ago we were still walking and relaxing on the beautiful beaches of Dominican Republic. This was our vacation/wedding/honeymoon trip all in one. During the last week of the trip we had arranged to have our symbolic wedding held in Cap Cana as per recommendation of our bellowed photographer Katya Nova with whom we have been in touch for a few weeks before the trip.
Once there we got together with Irina, who organized whole event and someone who we cannot thank enough. She gave us all options, listened to what we had in mind, and came up with our perfect day. Even the last minute changes, which was the day before and over the weekend, she managed to accommodate with ease (or at least so it looked like :) )
Area in Cap Cana is gorgeous and Irina had made a fairytale background on the Juanillo beach. Everything was perfect, location, beach, setting, ceremony… Even weather couldn’t be better, I think she has connections “up there” as well  After a short ritual and lot of picture taking, boat ride is all you need to relax, take a swim, re-capture the whole day again or just sit down and have a cold one with delicious lobster.
A million thanks to you guys for arranging perfect, story-like wedding ceremony in every sense. It will stay in our memories forever and so will you.
Say hello to Captain!!!